1. Have it setup so that it becomes your 24 hours salesman.
  2. Have someone help you identify how it can save you on other expenses and implement it.
  3. Use more than one provider to satisfy all your needs as few can provide it all especially at the non technical level.
  4. Have it designed by professionals using professional tools so that its content get indexed for free by Google and others.
  5.  Track users to find out how and why they find you on-line to help you maximise all free resources.
  6. Get a correctly valued web hosting packages that matches both your needs in terms of expertise AND resources required.
  7. Use your own domain name with your own e-mail branding, NOT Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo.
  8. Make sure your on-line security is high as hackers will target you to damage and steal your resources.
  9. Learn the basics of managing your web hosting products and use the tools you need.
  10. Make sure your partners respond quickly to urgent situations and when you don’t understand something ask them.
  11. Make sure your partners are interested in your business otherwise do not be afraid to switch
  12. Sign up with us TODAY!